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SF Tiled Steps - Stairs Series

$25 per class From $22 per visit with 10 Pack Group Classes pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service. Show full pricing

Our stairs groups are a mix of stair running, walking, hopping, lunging, squatting - you name it, you can do it, if it gets you up the stairs! We mix in a variety of bodyweight exercises (push ups, pull ups, squat jumps, leg ups, etc), and also often bring equipment to each location (kettlebells, sandbags, TRX, etc). We encourage all fitness levels to come to our groups, from walkers to sprinters. It's always a very fun group of people, and we grab some food and drinks after.


The 16th Avenue tiled steps in San Francisco definitely wins in the "most gorgeous stairs" category. There are 5 sets of steps in the neighborhood that we move between; two are tiled in an amazing mosaic and surrounded by gardens cared for by volunteers. They really have to be seen to be believed. Please note that this is one of our more strenuous sessions due to the steps being fairly steep. That said, they are still good for walkers and we always see lots of tourists and families visiting the steps.

We meet at 1700 16th Avenue in San Francisco. There are no restrooms or water fountains at the steps, however on your drive in there is a Starbucks at 1800 Irving Street. After the steps, we head into the Sunset neighborhood for food and drinks.

The next date for this location is November 9th, 2019.
